An unofficial quiz app by fans of the popular work, The Quintessential Quintessential."The Quintessential Quintessential Bride" (Gotobun no Hanayome) is a Japanese manga work by Negi Haruba. Published as a one-shot in the 8th issue of "Weekly Shonen Magazine" (Kodansha) 2017. Later, in response to the results of the reader questionnaire, it was serialized in "Weekly Shonen Magazine" from the 36/37 merger issue in 2017 to the 12th issue in 2020.In a romantic comedy in which one high school boy acts as a tutor for a high school girl with five children, the hero who is about to marry one of the five children is depicted in a way that reminds him of his high school days. Received the 43rd Kodansha Manga Award for Boys in May 2019. As of April 2021, the cumulative circulation has exceeded 15 million.Questions from manga and anime,Please play to kill time in your spare time as a test of your skills.